"Degenerate: having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state" “走下坡的,衰退的:从先前或最初的状态衰落的,如在功能或性质方面。”
Objective: Analyze the primary pathogeny of chronic senile kidney function deficiency, factors that sharply degenerate the function of kidney, and probe preventive and salvage measures. 目的:分析老年慢性肾功能不全的原发病因,及其导致肾功能急剧减退的因素,探讨预防抢救措施。
The stopping powers and energy stragglings for implanted ions in strongly coupled degenerate electron gas were investigated using local-field correction dielectric function. 利用局域场修正的介电函数,研究了注入离子在强耦合简并电子气中的阻止本领和能量离散。
Further, the fact is pointed out that partially-Bent function may degenerate to two kinds of elemental modes: A Bent function or a Bent function adding with a linear head mod 2 in the paper. 进一步揭示了部分Bent函数可退化成两种基本形式:一个Bent函数或者一个Bent函数与一个线性头的模二加和。
In this note, we are concerned with the characterization of degenerate critical of function and the parametric Morse lemma. 文章讨论了定义在退化临界点邻域上的函数的某些性态,主要结果是定理2,它是对带参数Morse引理的更深层次的刻划。
According to the perturbation theory in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom, the matrix element's distribution law in the secular equation is discovered. 根据简并态微扰理论和氢原子波函数的性质,得到久期方程中微扰矩阵元的分布规律。
It educes the evolutionary functions that mass unexpected incident is in the system crisis phase and transforming phase using the generalized replicator dynamics model, that degenerate to the infection diffusion function including learning obstacle. 在一般化模仿者动态模型基础上得出了群体性突发事件处制度危机阶段和制度转型阶段的扩散方程,其退化为包含学习障碍的传染病扩散方程。
The prevalent formula for nonzero perturbation matrix in the secular equation is gained by the perturbation theory in degenerate state and property of spherical harmonics function. 本文应用简并态微扰理论和球谐函数的性质,得到久期方程中非零微扰矩阵元普遍表达式。
We have established the some fundamental theorems for m × m non-degenerate generalized Q-holomorphic matrix value function. 本文建立了非退化广义Q-纯矩阵值函数的若干基本定理。
Senescence is a degenerate process of tissues and organs in function and morphology in a span life, and the senescence of central nervous system has a dominant status in aging. 衰老是在生命进程中,机体的组织器官出现功能和形态的退变乃至老化的过程。
Asymptotic expansions of some Oscillatory Integrals with degenerate phase function 一类具有退化位相的振荡积分的渐近性质
Degenerate four-wave mixing Phase Conjugate effect in Ce: KNSBN Crystal Was investigated experimentally as a Function of intensity and analyzed theoretically by using the theory of reference. 对Ce:KNSBN晶体简并四波混频相位共轭的强度特性进行了实验研究。用文献的理论对其进行了理论分析。
The structures and functions of human organs degenerate obviously in the process of aging and the function reserve of the most senile organs decreases. The senile people is susceptible to suffer the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in the elderly ( MODSE) by lung infections or injuries. 老年人由于器官老化、储备功能低下,易于在肺部感染等诱因作用下发生老年多器官功能不全(MODSE),即MODSE由肺启动的假说。
In order to reduce the difficulty of design requirement caused by symmetry of degenerate mode and realize multi-channel filtering function, we have designed T-type filter. 为了降低简并模对称性对设计难度的要求,并且实现多通道滤波的功能,设计了T型滤波器。
In this paper, the sixth chapter the Baotou City fresh farm products distribution path optimization model is established with the introduction of degenerate time window function. 在本文的第四章中,引入变质函数建立带时间窗的包头市鲜活农产品配送路径优化模型。
In the calculation, we neglect the Coulomb scattering due to the strong degenerate condition of the hole gas in all cases. The temperature effect is introduced through the temperature dependence of the magnetization following the Brillouin function. 由于空穴始终处于强简并极限下,因此我们在计算中忽略了库仑散射,温度效应通过磁矩Brillouin函数引入。